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Call Rep. Donni Steele: Tell her to work for you, not billionaires.


That’s what’s driving Michigan Representative Donni Steele to side with billionaires and ban responsible investing. 

Keeping Michiganders from making the best decisions with their own money. 

And allowing billionaires like the Koch brothers to keep cheating workers and poisoning our air and water. 

Donni Steele’s ban could cost thousands of good paying American jobs, damage our environment, and hurt your retirement savings. 

So, call Rep. Donni Steele. Tell her to work for you, not billionaires.

Michigan Republicans Are Siding With Extremists And Out Of State Oil Interests To Ban Responsible Investing And Oppose Clean Energy Developments That Benefit Michiganders.

In 2023, Rep. Donni Steele and 23 other Michigan Republicans introduced HB 4381 to ban state and local pension funds from using ESG criteria to make investments. 

The sponsors of HB 4381 have raised over $150,000 from the oil and gas industry. 

HB 4381 closely resembles an ALEC model bill to restrict responsible investing. According to Pleiades Strategy’s 2023 Statehouse Report, “[a]cross the country, bills influenced by this model garnered opposition for the costs and risks they forced on state retirement systems. In places where the bills did pass, they often did so despite warnings from retirement systems, pensioners, and unions.”