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Washington – Today Unlocking America’s Future (UAF) is launching ads in three states to inform American voters that the same greedy corporations behind ESG bans are also behind Project 2025, a blueprint for a potential Trump administration to drastically reshape the U.S. government and harm taxpayers, retirees, and investors. 

First reported in Bloomberg, UAF also released today new polling from Hart Research that shows when voters learn of this coordinated scheme, opposition to ESG bans increases and intensifies voters’ perception that the people behind ESG bans are dangerous. The ad buy and polling are part of UAF’s second phase of its campaign to expose the authors of Project 2025 as shadow actors of the Big Oil agenda and the anti-ESG movement. 

UAF’s seven-figure digital ad buy launches this week in Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania targeting voters who polling shows are likely to become more opposed to ESG bans when they learn about the ties to Project 2025.

“Project 2025 is backed by millions of dollars from the same right-wing extremists, billionaires in the oil and gas industry, and greedy corporations who are trying to ban responsible investing,” said Kyle Herrig, spokesperson for Unlocking America’s Future. “These ads will educate the American people about the fact that ESG bans are part of the same agenda as the dangerous and extreme Project 2025 plan, which is an assault on Americans’ rights and freedoms, and threatens the financial security of taxpayers.” 

The polling from Unlocking America’s Future and Hart Research shows voters have a favorable impression of ESG investing when it is defined for them, and they are inclined to oppose bans on ESG investing and the Project 2025 messaging is incredibly effective at winning the argument around ESG bans. The poll specifically shows: 

  • Voters oppose a ban on ESG investing by 43% to 29%, and twice as many strongly oppose (26%) as strongly support (13%). Notably, 28% initially do not express an opinion about a ban, highlighting the urgency for opponents of bans to frame the debate for voters.  
  • Voters anticipate that banning ESG investing will have a net negative impact on future generations (17-point net negative impact), average consumers (18-point net negative impact), the middle class (16-point net negative impact), and climate change (20-point net negative impact). 
  • When voters hear that the people who are pushing ESG bans are the same people behind Project 2025, 66% say it makes them more concerned about efforts to ban ESG investing. 

You can watch the full ad HERE

The full poll results can be accessed HERE.

A full report on how Project 2025 would harm responsible investing can be accessed HERE.