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Call Rep. Milou Mackenzie: Tell her to work for you, not billionaires.


That’s what’s driving Representative Milou Mackenzie to side with billionaires and ban responsible investing. 

Keeping business owners from making the best decisions with their own money. 

And allowing greedy billionaires to keep cheating Pennsylvanians. 

Mackenzie’s ban could reward businesses that poison our air and our water, and punish businesses that care about protecting Pennsylvanians.

So, call Representative Mackenzie. Tell her to work for you, not billionaires.

Pennsylvania Republicans Are Siding With Extremists And Out Of State Oil Interests To Try And Block Responsible Investing And Oppose Clean Energy Developments That Help Pennsylvanians.

In 2023, Rep. Milou Mackenzie signed on as a co-sponsor of HB334 in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. The Fair Access to Financial Services Act was based on model legislation created by the climate-science denying Heartland Institute, which has taken money from the oil industry as well as billionaires like the Mercer and Uihlein families.

If passed into law, HB334 would restrict the use of responsible investing criteria by financial services providers in Pennsylvania, and prohibit them from denying service based on any non-financial risk factors, such as environmental, social and governance criteria, diversity, equity and inclusion policies or political and ideological factors not pre-approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities. 

Pennsylvania’s HB334 is similar to bills introduced in other states like Florida that the United States Treasury Department has said “could harm efforts to address money laundering and terrorism financing.” Efforts like the Pennsylvania and Florida bills could also “compel financial institutions to provide services to extremist groups, including those that promote bigoted discrimination under the guise of religious expression, and white nationalists.”

Rep. Milou Mackenzie cosponsored the bill alongside at least eight members of Pennsylvania’s State House Freedom Caucus, part of the extreme State Freedom Caucus Network, which has received at least $100,000 from Leonard Leo’s anti-ESG financial machine.