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Unlocking America’s Future spokesperson Kyle Herrig authored an op-ed published in The Hill this weekend titled, “DeSantis’s defeat is a warning to all: Don’t go up against ESG.” Beyond it being a losing political strategy, the opinion piece outlines how Ron Desantis’ and Vivek Ramaswamy’s attacks on responsible investing on the 2024 presidential campaign trail were  part of a systematic effort funded by the oil and gas industries. 

“Desantis, who has taken at least $2.1 million in campaign cash from corporate polluters, and Ramaswamy, who has millions in personal investment funds tied up in oil, gas, and pipeline companies, were attempting to elevate ESG attacks to the national conversation.”

Herrig also highlights the deep research and polling data that shows responsible investing is popular among the American public – across party lines. 

Eight in ten Americans say they trust companies more than politicians when deciding whether they agree with a company’s stance on an issue. This disrespect for the public’s support for responsible investing contributed to Desantis and Ramaswamy’s downfall.”

You can read the full op-ed at the link here