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Fox News just reported that nineteen states attorneys general are suing five other states for allegedly forcing them to comply with climate policies.

From the article: “The filing was made at the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday as the plaintiffs argued that Democrat-led states California, Connecticut, Minnesota, New Jersey and Rhode Island are essentially forcing residents of politically opposed states to feel repercussions of their restrictions and, therefore, are dictating national energy policy.”

Seemingly without irony, the Kansas attorney general Kris Kobach, one of the attorneys general on the complaint, is quoted as saying, “One state does not have the right to control policy in another state.”

We agree. This farce should swiftly be dismissed for what it is: a transparent attempt by radical extremists to push their harmful agenda onto their neighbors.

In April 2023, Kansas Governor Laura Kelly allowed SB 2100 to become law without her signature citing potential unforeseen consequences for state and local governments. SB 2100 prohibits state entities in Kansas from “giving preferential treatment to or discriminating against companies based on environmental, social and governance criteria in procuring or letting contracts.” The law also prohibits “any action taken or factor considered by a fiduciary with any purpose whatsoever to further social, political or ideological interests.” It also restricts state agencies from “adopting environmental, social and governance criteria or requiring any person or business to operate in accordance with such criteria.” 

While Kobach is complaining about other states passing their own laws, he should look at what his state’s anti-responsible agendas could cost them.