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Several members of Congress, including Sens. Bill Cassidy (LA), Lisa Murkowski (AK), and Kevin Cramer (ND), who have taken millions of dollars in campaign contributions from the oil and gas industry are making plans for their own pollution-first Project 2025. As reported in E&E News, these lawmakers are laying groundwork for the next reconciliation package should they take control of the Senate in November, making plans to greenlight “troves of fossil fuel leases” and “usher in an abundance era.”

The news of the Senators’ anti-ESG priorities comes amidst 13 straight months of record heat temperatures across the world, and despite “unprecedented demand” for low-carbon energy infrastructure that presents “mega force” market opportunities for America’s economy. According to Data For Progress, only 35% of voters think the government should prioritize oil and gas drilling on public lands. Instead, 58% think the government should prioritize clean energy. 

“When you look at the economic and environmental benefits, it is simply not in the best interest of the American people to divest in low-carbon energy solutions and instead pump money into the hands of billionaires from the oil and gas industry,” said Kyle Herrig, spokesperson for Unlocking America’s Future. “These lawmakers are simply appeasing their wealthy donors and ignoring what the majority of Americans across party lines want.”

The U.S. Senators leading this anti-environment and anti-responsible investing agenda have received millions of dollars in funding from the oil and gas industry, including: 

Learn more about politicians on Capitol Hill who have yielded their political power to act on behalf of their wealthy donors from polluting industries here