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Unlocking America’s Future launched a six-figure digital and television ad campaign in three states across the U.S. last week to build support for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) new climate risk disclosure rule, which requires all U.S. publicly traded companies disclose information about greenhouse gas emissions and climate-related risks. In the time since the rule was finalized earlier this month, extremist politicians and anti-ESG advocates have launched various legal attacks attempting to block or overturn the rule. There are currently nine ongoing legal challenges against the rule, involving a total of 25 states. 

ESG Dive: UAF’s new ad campaign is urging Americans to support the rule in key battleground states. 

  • ESG Dive Reporter Lamar Johnson published an article exploring how Members of Congress are challenging the rule through the Congressional Review Act. While coalitions of elected officials are mobilizing, Johnson reported, groups like Unlocking America’s Future are fighting back. 
  • “To counter that threat, pro-ESG 501(c)4 Unlocking America’s Future began running advertisements in Arizona, Montana, Pennsylvania on Tuesday as part of a six-figure advertising campaign to protect the rule. The organization said it will run the ads — which asks viewers to urge their Congressional representatives to uphold the rule — in the three battleground states and Washington D.C. until there is no longer a CRA threat to the rule.”

  • Key point: “The SEC is taking an important step to ensuring companies disclose crucial information about the risks they create for small business owners, farmers, and those saving for retirement,” UAF spokesperson Kyle Herrig said in the releases announcing the ad buys. “Americans should demand that Congress side with Americans, not wealthy CEOs who prioritize profits over people.”

To read the full ESG Dive story, click here.

KULR: ESG policies are being challenged by Montana Governor Greg Gianforte and Attorney General Austin Knudsen. 

  • NBC affiliate KULR-8 Reporters Bradley Warren and Bobby Lee published an article on the SEC rule’s impact on Montana companies and UAF’s new ad campaign in the state to protect the rule. Montana is a key battleground state for climate risk disclosures – Attorney General Austin Knudsen, who has taken thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from the oil and gas industry, is one of the 22 attorneys general behind the lawsuits attempting to kill the rule.

  • Key point: “The ads urge voters to tell Congress not to block a rule which would require publicly traded companies to release how much greenhouse gasses they release and of course, what the risk to the climate potentially could be.”

To read the full KULR article, click here.