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Washington, D.C. – Today, Unlocking America’s Future held a press call with Representatives Sean Casten (IL-06) and Juan Vargas (CA-52) and Democracy Forward President and CEO Skye Perryman where they discussed the failures of the House’s so-called “anti-woke week” and the anti-ESG bills brought to a vote.

Despite the looming government shutdown, self-serving politicians who fund their careers with money from Big Oil orchestrated a week where they brought anti-fiduciary bills up for a vote and attacked responsible investing. 

To view the full press call, please click here.

“This week the House had an exceptionally low bar to pass, but Republicans don’t have a plan to fix the government running out of money, or veterans or FEMA programs needing to be replenished,” said Rep. Sean Casten (IL-06). “The state versions of the bills Republicans wasted time promoting this week have lost billions of dollars for fiduciaries in states like Texas, which have passed these types of laws. If states are the laboratories of democracy, then we are taking the wrong lessons from the anti-woke agenda.” 

“This week should’ve and could’ve been a productive week, but instead it was a dog and pony show that wasn’t even a very good one or effective one,” said Rep. Juan Vargas (CA-52).  “It’s fun until you think about the real consequences. Instead of Republicans trying to figure out how to give people information to make sure they’re making responsible and sustainable investments for the long term, a lot of my colleagues on the Republican side have been captured by these industries opposed to responsible investing. It’s irresponsible for America, the future, the world, and people in my district that rely on long term investments for their financial health.”

“We’re seeing the real consequences of the anti-woke agenda on the ground and in the states,” said Skye Perryman, CEO and President of Democracy Forward. “We represent parents in Florida who are suing Governor DeSantis for violating the first amendment rights of parents who want to speak out against book bans. We are representing Black real estate professionals in Alabama to defend a law in the state which ensures diversity on the State Appraiser’s Board from a challenge from an organization challenging pro-diversity measures across the country.  We are working with businesses in Texas to fight an extreme anti-business measure that unjustly penalizes private companies that choose not to make risky investments in fossil fuel companies.”

“Over the last several days, we have seen self-serving politicians in the House wasting valuable floor time to promote Big Oil’s anti-ESG agenda, elevating harmful policies that undermine investors’ and pension fund managers’ freedom to choose where their money goes,” said Kyle Herrig, spokesperson of Unlocking America’s Future. “The Representatives leading these attacks on responsible investing have collectively taken over a million dollars in campaign contributions from the oil and gas industry, and are wasting important legislative time and taxpayer dollars despite the fact that these attacks are overwhelmingly unpopular among Americans across party lines.”