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New Effort Highlights How Attacks On Responsible Investing (ESG), Abortion Access, LGBTQ+ Rights Is Bad For Business 

Washington, D.C. – Today, Unlocking America’s Future is announcing a new campaign targeting the extremist policies in Texas that are undoing the “Texas miracle.”

First reported in the Austin American-Statesman, the multi-pronged campaign kicked off with a six-figure digital ad buy urging Texans to tell their lawmakers to put the economy over the interests of billionaires. The rollout also featured the launch of a new website,, which will serve as a hub for new research and policy developments. Going forward, the campaign will include exclusive polling, research, digital video ads, rapid response and earned and paid media – all educating Texans and the nation on how radical extremism is hurting Texans.

“For too long, Texas politicians have been pushing their own particular brand of extremism, one that alienates the majority of their own constituents and the rest of the country,” said Unlocking America’s Future spokesperson Kyle Herrig. “Texas should serve as a warning for other states, and a reminder that extreme policies are ultimately bad for business and wildly unpopular and out of touch.”

Over the last decade, greedy billionaires, well-funded advocacy groups, and self-serving politicians have mobilized in Texas to push extreme laws that line their own pockets at the expense of taxpayers, putting an end to the “Texas miracle.”

Most recently, Texas anti-ESG laws SB13 and SB19 have cost the state nearly $700 million in lost economic activity, according to new research from the Texas Association of Business (TAB) and economic consulting firm TXP. Since the laws went into effect in 2021, Texas public entities have been forced to divest from financial institutions that practice responsible investing, resulting in a loss of over 3,000 full-time, permanent jobs.  

Learn more about the impacts of extreme policies in Texas here. Learn more about the ad campaign here