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Washington D.C. – Today the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced it’s staying the climate risk disclosure rule, which requires publicly traded companies to disclose information about greenhouse gas emissions.  

Unlocking America’s Future spokesperson Kyle Herrig issued the following statement:

“It is outrageous that billionaires and their lackeys like Leonard Leo are trying to endanger retirement savings, businesses, and jobs by hiding financial risks from working Americans and investors — all to pad their own pockets and the bank accounts of oil and gas companies. We encourage the SEC, Congress, and the courts to say NO to billionaires protecting the status quo and YES to the working Americans who need the protections of the climate risk disclosure rule.”

Americans overwhelmingly and across party lines support the SEC’s rule. Two-thirds of voters (80% of Democrats, 65% of Independents, and 55% of Republicans) support the proposed SEC rule, and a majority of Americans support responsible investing. More than half of voters, including 52% of Republicans and 63% of Independents, oppose Congress putting limits on these kinds of disclosures. 
