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This week in responsible investing, MAGA politicians held a hearing airing grievances and conspiracy theories, Democrats in Texas released a pro-ESG party platform, and a new study falsely claiming that Oklahoma’s anti-ESG law doesn’t increase costs for cities and towns was revealed to be funded by climate deniers in the oil and gas industry. All that and more below:

MAGA politicians held a hearing attacking responsible investing.

From UAF’s memo: Rather than focusing on issues that actually matter to the American people and their constituents, extreme politicians are wasting time on a hearing, attacking responsible investing in order to appease their own campaign donors and big oil.

Democrats in Texas released their new party platform, which stands behind responsible investing.

From UAF’s statement: “Responsible investing is good for the economy, jobs, and the business climate in Texas,” said Unlocking America’s Future spokesperson Kyle Herrig. “It’s encouraging to see support building for common-sense policies that a majority of Texans support. It’s time to overturn these harmful anti-ESG laws and bring back the Texas miracle.”

A study falsely claiming Oklahoma’s anti-ESG laws doesn’t have a harmful effect on municipal borrowing costs was funded by the oil and gas industry.

From UAF’s statement: “Research has consistently proven that responsible investing bans like the EDEA have harmful fiscal and economic consequences on state municipal budgets,” said Kyle Herrig, spokesperson for Unlocking America’s Future. “Blacklisting competitors vying for state contracts and pension plans has catastrophic effects on Oklahoma’s economy and risks the financial security of Americans trying to save for retirement. The report published by the American Energy Institute is yet another attack from greedy CEOs in the oil and gas industry attempting to spread misinformation about responsible investing and protect their financial interests at the expense of American taxpayers.”

Far right extremists are pressuring the U.S. Supreme Court to act as their shield.

From the Guardian: If granted, the request could catalyze the dismissal of the wave of climate accountability lawsuits against big oil – a major win for the defendants seeking to limit their liability for the climate crisis. But it’s the kind of ask about which the supreme court would not normally offer its opinion, advocates and legal experts say.

New polling finds voters want the government to stay out of the ESG fight.

From an op-ed in Center Square: But headlines aside, voters aren’t buying it. They say they want politicians to butt out of these polarizing debates. Our polling data show that more than 90 percent of voters believe that state government officials shouldn’t use taxpayer dollars to push their own political agendas. Nearly 70 percent of voters – with strong majorities of Republicans, Democrats and independents – believe that governments should not “blacklist” companies that have ESG policies. And 70 percent of voters realize that when you prohibit some companies from doing business with the state, you inevitably drive up costs.

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