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This week, Unlocking America’s Future is highlighting the new SEC climate risk disclosure rule, a first step forward for ESG-related investing.  Here’s more news you may have missed:

Following the SEC’s vote, UAF released nationwide television and digital ads urging Americans to tell Congress to support the rule.

From UAF’s ad release: “The SEC is taking an important step to ensuring companies disclose crucial information to those trying to make the best decisions with their money. Americans across the political spectrum support responsible investing, knowing it’s good for the economy, and America’s position on the global stage. Greedy billionaires and the self-serving politicians in their pocket will stop at nothing to protect their bottom line. Americans should ask Congress to side with business owners and families, who are trying to save for retirement, by supporting the SEC’s new climate disclosure rule.”

Policymakers and industry experts came out in support of the new rule.

From UAF’s round up: The SEC yesterday approved a highly anticipated rule to standardize climate risk disclosure requirements. In response to the decision, federal agency officials, policymakers, and industry experts and advocates applauded the outcome, reinforcing it as an important first step and a “floor, not a ceiling,” to maintain stability and transparency in America’s financial system.

Big businesses, backed by the oil and gas industry, were pushing back against the common sense measures even before it passed.

From UAF’s ICYMI on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s support of Exxon’s lawsuit against its shareholders” The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable last week filed a joint amicus brief in Texas federal court arguing that Exxon was right to file its unprecedented, highly contentious lawsuit against its shareholders Arjuna Capital and Follow This. The groups blamed the SEC for making it difficult to exclude resolutions and accused shareholders of inundating “public corporations with proposals designed to push ideological agendas.”  

Turning from Congress to statehouses across the country, UAF spotlighted the responsible investing landscape in South Carolina.

From UAF’s memo:  Following passage of harmful anti-ESG legislation in 2023, two additional bills are currently pending in the South Carolina General Assembly that could further restrict using ESG criteria when investing state funds. Read more in our memo above.

Finally, new reporting over the past month shows despite the best work of greedy CEOs and self-serving politicians, responsible investing is here to stay.

From UAF’S roundup: Several recent news reports show responsible investing is good for business, the planet, and the country despite political efforts percolating at a federal and state level. No matter how hard greedy CEOs and polluter industries try to convince the public otherwise, the truth is responsible investing can improve investment returns and save states millions of dollars. Click the link above to read news stories demonstrating that responsible investing is here to stay.

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