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Yesterday Axios energy reporter Ben Geman published an exclusive on Unlocking America’s Future’s new campaign to push back against the unprecedented attacks on responsible investing over the last several weeks. The story, first seen in this morning’s edition of Axios Generate, breaks down the components of the campaign, including a five-figure digital ad buy in Arizona and a new website that connects the dots between billionaires, special interest groups, and anti-responsible investing policies. The piece also covers findings from UAF’s newly released poll showing widespread bipartisan support for responsible investing. 

“A young advocacy group that defends climate-focused investing is today launching the next phase of its campaign,” wrote Ben Geman, co-author of the Generate newsletter.

Notable Quote: These attacks on responsible investing hurt the economy, the environment, and everyday Americans despite the fact that “the American public overwhelmingly opposes bans on responsible investing,” as UAF spokesperson Kyle Herrig told Axios

The article explains:

State restrictions on use of public funds for ESG and brewing SEC climate disclosure rules are among today’s battlegrounds.

  • Financial giants are on defense amid increasing oversight from congressional Republicans and anti-ESG initiatives among red state officials.
  • Some states have pulled money from asset managers with ESG offerings. Multiple have also passed or debated legislative restrictions — a focus for UAF.
  • In recent days companies like State Street Global Advisors and J.P. Morgan Asset Management announced they’re leaving the Climate Action 100+ coalition.

To read the full article, click HERE. To read the piece’s feature in Axios generate, click HERE.