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Reporting from Politico’s Long Game newsletter details how the Leonard Leo-backed State Financial Officers Foundation will be hosting an event on the sidelines of this year’s Republican National Convention.

From the newsletter: “The State Financial Officers Foundation, a GOP group that has been at the forefront of the fight against sustainable investing, plans to host an event on the sidelines of next month’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee to raise awareness about the issue.”

Radical extremists who want to ban responsible investing are continuing to push forward their unpopular views, despite the fact that 63% of Americans don’t want the government to ban ESG. Using ESG criteria to make investing decisions leads to higher returns comparable, if not higher investments to traditional investing. Banning ESG results in higher costs, which are often passed on to taxpayers. It’s no wonder Americans are worried about attacks on responsible investing.

Conservatives seeking to undermine responsible investing are seemingly dead set on continuing to push their unpopular agenda, which is not catching on with the public. As the newsletter makes clear, “[SFOF spokesperson Derek] Kreifels declined to share details of who would be attending the group’s event. But it shows how efforts to oppose corporate environmental, social and governance principles are still alive within national GOP circles despite a lack of resonance with voters.”

For more on the State Financial Officers Foundation, click here.