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Washington – Unlocking America’s Future today released new polling data showing Americans overwhelmingly oppose bans on responsible investing (ESG), reporting serious concerns of their harms on workers and the economy. The survey also revealed a majority of voters are worried “supporters of ESG bans do not care about the well-being of the middle class or American workers.” 

The data makes clear voters see through self-serving politicians’ misleading rhetoric on responsible investing. Nearly 60% of respondents said they are concerned billionaire donors are “pouring money” into the interest groups and politicians supporting these bans. 

“This new poll demonstrates how proponents of responsible investing can go on offense against the shady network of billionaires from the oil and gas industries who have misread the American people with their attacks on ESG,” said Kyle Herrig, spokesperson for Unlocking America’s Future. “Coordinated attempts to mislead the public about responsible investing have simply failed, with nearly 60% of voters recognizing ESG bans will harm workers, the economy, and their retirement savings. Americans do not support attacks against responsible investing and see its value for our climate and economy.” 

The research comes off the heels of several unprecedented events in responsible investing just in the last month, including Exxon filing a lawsuit against its own shareholders, a coalition of big business groups including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce suing California, and New Hampshire introducing legislation that would criminalize using ESG criteria in public contracts. 

The full poll, conducted by Global Strategy Group, of 1,000 registered voters nationwide from January 16th through January 20th, 2024 is available here.