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Washington, D.C. – Unlocking America’s Future today released a new poll and research report that together shed light on the economic costs of anti-ESG laws in Texas and the resulting disconnect between the state’s lawmakers and their constituents. 

First reported in The Hill, the report, titled “Extremism is Bad for Texas Business,” outlines how policymakers in Texas are pushing a series of policies on ESG, abortion, public education, and LGBTQ rights, and how these positions threaten the state’s business-friendly reputation. The poll, which was conducted by Z to A Research and surveyed Texas voters, reveals state lawmakers are out of touch with their constituents.

“This new research makes clear that Texas lawmakers are prioritizing politics and the interests of greedy billionaires over the economic security of Texans, threatening the ‘Texas miracle,’” said Kyle Herrig, spokesperson for Unlocking America’s Future. “Texas voters overwhelmingly recognize that the self-serving politicians behind these extreme anti-ESG laws are working on behalf of their billionaire campaign donors. Texans do not support leaders who ignore real issues to push an extreme agenda, and we’re seeing that trend nationally.”

The new poll and research report are part of Unlocking America’s Future’s new campaign in Texas that aims to educate voters on the consequences of the state’s extremist policies. 

Beyond putting an end to the state’s business-friendly reputation, the report details, these extreme policies have a direct connection to decreased student outcomes, child health insurance coverage, and mental healthcare access, among other metrics. 

  • Texas’ recent anti-responsible investing laws have cost the state nearly $700 million in lost economic activity and 3,000 lost full-time jobs.
  • Over the next 30 years, anti-responsible investing laws in Texas have the potential to cost taxpayers $22 billion in higher interest rates and fees.
  • Anti-abortion laws in Texas create an average economic loss of over $23 billion due to labor force reductions, lower earning levels, increased turnover, and increased time off from work among women in the private sector.
  • While Texas lawmakers prop up the firearm industry with lax laws and incentives, taxpayers lose out on $53.1 billion every year due to gun violence costs. 

Separately, Unlocking America’s Future’s new poll shows that 72% of Texas voters believe leaders in Texas have become less focused on fixing real problems and more focused on pushing an extreme conservative agenda.

  • A majority of Texans believe state lawmakers are working for their wealthy campaign donors (77%) and are too friendly with the fossil fuel industry (66%). 
  • Texans overwhelmingly (91%) trust banks and professional investors over politicians when deciding whether a company is a worthwhile investment. In fact, 83% of Texans believe it is not the role of the state government to tell private financial institutions how to invest their customer’s money.
  • A majority of Texas voters don’t support or see the need for these anti-ESG laws, with 56% of voters opposing ESG bans. 

You can view the full report here and the poll here